Post Natal Jamu Massage and Tummy Binding Therapy
A complete treatment consisting of a rejuvenating Javanese Massage, a soothing wrap, and the renowned Selendang Tummy Binding Technique, highly recommended for a mother's post-delivery. This treatment aids in a faster recovery and healing process, tightens and tones the abdomen, repositions internal organs, promotes lymphatic drainage, treats stretch marks, redefines the waistline and improves body posture minimizing back pain. It also treats "trapped winds" that can cause postpartum.

What is Post Natal Jamu Massage Therapy
Jamu or Djamu is a traditional medicine originating from Indonesia. It is
mainly composed of herbal medicines such as leaves, fruits, and roots.
Jamu postnatal massage is a whole-body massage that quickens the
recovery of women after giving birth. It is not a typical one-time therapy, but a continuous treatment for several days. It starts with a full body massage using herbal oil, followed by the application of jamu paste on the abdominal area, and finished with a stomach binder.
What is Tummy Binding?
Jamu massage is always followed by belly binding. Jamu belly binding is done by applying jamu paste on the abdomen and tightly wrapping the abdomen and the pelvic area with traditional binding cloth. This aids in a faster recovery and healing process, tightens and tones the abdomen

Benefits of Post Natal Jamu Massage Therapy and
Tummy Binding
When done together, the Jamu massage and tummy binding relax and help remove wind from the body. Moms still have body pains post childbirth. This therapeutic massage helps with pain management and eases the swelling and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It is normal to have loose skin on the tummy area because of pregnancy. A Jamu massage and tummy binding also treats the womb back to its pre-pregnancy state. Not only will your figure get better, this can also help your fertility.
Actual Client's Before and After Photos



